Computer System

Computer System

Published by: Sujan

Published date: 18 Jun 2021

Computer System -Photo

Computer System

A computer system is a complete system consisting of input, output memory, and software working together. It has the ability to take the user’s input. Then process it, and create it for storing information or show output.

The computer system consists of:

  •  Hardware
  • Software
  •  Data
  • Users


Hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer i.e. the things we can touch or feel. These include input devices, output devices, electronic circuits, and parts. It is run by the software.
Keyboard, mouse, Floppy disk, motherboard, printer, pen drive, monitor, etc. are some examples of Hardware.

Computer system

Fig: Hardware Components


The software is the instructions, commands, and tasks given by the user of a computer i.e. the things that we cannot touch. Computer software includes computer information, libraries, and non-executable data such as online documentation or media. It works on programs, which are a set of information of language that the computer understands. The hardware system cannot perform on its own. So, it needs to be instructed time and again, which is done by the software of the computer.
Some examples are the Internet, Operating System (OS), etc.


Data are the raw materials that do not have significance on their own. Computer process it to give the meaningful output known as information. The input device provides data and information to the computer and then software processes it to give the significant output. The information is in the form of text, image, audio clips, etc.
An example of data can be E-mail.


Users are the people who write the programs in the computer system to interact with the computer. They operate the operating system of the computer and provide data to the system. The other names of users are humanware or peopleware.
The users can be gamers, bloggers, Programmers, system analysts, etc.

So conclusively, when the user provides data or information to the system through hardware, then the software processes it and then gives the meaningful output.

Computer system

Fig: Interrelation between the computer system components