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Published by: Zaya

Published date: 06 Jul 2021

Articles in Class 10 English


Among a, an and the a/an are called the indefinite articles, and they are known as definite articles. It is a particular item or object.

Uses of a/an:

  1. A or An is used with a singular countable noun. Like,
    a box; an apple
    a ball; an orange
    a hotel; an inkpot
    • In the sense of one: Robin bought a new dress.
    • With jobs or permissions: Aman is an engineer.
    • In such + singular nouns: I want such a mobile.
    • With singular exclamations: What a boring event!
    • To mean each or every: Rita visits her son once a week.
  2. A is used with a noun that starts with a consonant sound, and 'an' is used with a noun that starts with a vowel sound.
  • a bat; an airplane
  • a tiffin; an encounter
  • a chain; an illusion
  • a mobile; an orange
  • a cup; an umbrella

In most cases, the letters e, o, u are pronounced as vowels but sometimes they act as consonants.

an essay; a eucalyptus

an ox; a one-eyed man

an urgent matter; a unicorn

  1. An abbreviation whose first letter has a vowel sound comes with an and the abbreviation whose first letter has consonant sound comes with a.
  • an SLC candidate; an SAT score
  • an MLA ticket; a WHO officer
  • an NTC network; a BBC channel
  1. . A singular countable noun that starts with the h letter comes with a when it is pronounced, but they come with an when it is silent.
  • h is silent; h' is pronounced
  • an hour; a hamburger
  • an heiress; a house
  • an honest person; a half-yearly meeting
  1. A is used with units of uncountable nouns.
  • a bottle of oil; a cup of tea
  • a glass of milk; a plate of rice
  1. A is used with some phrases.
  • a few friends; a million
  • a meter; a dozen
  1. A is used with some expressions like:
  • have a drink
  • at a glance
  • get a fever
  • at a loss
  • in a hurry
  1. Use a/an when it is used as a definite idea or comes with adjectives.
  • Eg: The website provides all-around information.
  1. Use a/an if an adjective comes before the meal.
  • Eg: Rita had a light breakfast in the morning.

Uses of the:

  1. The is used with superlatives and with other words like the same, the only which implies that there is only one or which makes something unique.
  • Superlatives: The next part of the movie is very interesting.
  • the only: Tina is the only person who understands me better than myself.
  • the same: My shoes and bag are of the same color.
  1. 'The' should be used always with the names of the following nouns.
  • Religious books: the Bible, the Geeta, the Koran, etc
  • Newspapers: the Kantipur, the Kathmandu Post, etc
  • Famous ships: the Titanic, the Queen, etc
  • Political parties: the Nepali Congress, the Communist.
  • Titles: the Prime Minister, the President, etc
  • Deserts and canals: the Sahara, the Gobi, the Panama canal
  • Gulfs and peninsulas: the Black Forest, the Persian Gulf
  • Rivers and seas: the Karnali, the Nile, the Rhine.
  • Oceans and islands: the Atlantic ocean, the Pacific ocean
  • Plural names of countries: the Netherlands, the United States
  • Geographical names: the United Kingdom, the United States of America
  • Nationality adjectives: the English, the French, the American
  • Plural names of families: the Gurungs, the Ranas
  • Period of history: the Stone age, the Modern Age
  • Historic events: the Independence Day, the Martyrs day
  • Famous hotels: the Yak and Yeti, the Annapurna
  • Museums and libraries: the National Museum, the American Library
  • Historical buildings: the Taj Mahal, the Pashupati Nath Temple
  • Historical monuments: the Statue of Liberty, the Little Mermaid
  • Theatres and clubs: the Jay Nepal, the Kumari
  • Geographical areas: the West, the East
  • Celestial bodies: the Sun, the Moon, the Universe
  • Mountain ranges: the Himalayas, the Alps,
  1. Use 'the' with musical instruments when we talk about them in many senses.
  • Can you play the piano?
  • My friend is playing the guitar.
  1. Use 'the' with parts of the body when we talk about their measurement, anatomy, and function.
  • The lung purifies the blood.
  • The heart sends blood around the body.
  1. Use the with gerund(ing) forms and abstract nouns in the structure.
  • The main aim of our website is to develop the education system.
  • The making of this video was not much expensive.
  1. Use the' when the proper noun is treated as a common noun by comparison.
  • Aman is the Leonardo Da Vinci of this class.
  • Shreeja is the Shakespeare of this class.
  1. Use 'the' when the uncountable noun is definite.
  • The juice in the glass is sugar-free.
  • The milk in the fridge is fresh.
  1. Use the with the part of the body when it is referred to as the person in the object position.
  • The ball hit the old lady in the head.
  • Kabir gave him a blow on the face.

The omission of articles:

  1. Do not use articles with proper nouns in a general sense.
  • He went to Pokhara last week.
  1. Do not use articles with abstract nouns in a general sense.
  • Education is the birthright of everyone.
  1. Do not use articles with meals.
  • We take breakfast at home.
  • Aman invited me to lunch.
  1. Do not use articles with uncountable nouns.
  • He likes mango juice.
  1. Do not use articles if they are used in the sentence for the primary purpose.
  • They sell clothes in the showroom.
  • The criminal is kept in prison.

Things to remember:

  1. Do not use articles with proper nouns in a general sense.
  2. Do not use articles if they are used in the sentence for the primary purpose.
  3. The is used with superlatives and with other words like the same, the only which implies that there is only one or which makes something unique.
  4. Use a/an when it is used as a definite idea or comes with adjectives.