Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

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Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 22 Jun 2023

Theoretical perspective in sociology

Sociologists can ivestigate and comprehend social phenomena using frameworks and lenses provided by theoretical viewpoints in sociology. These viewpoints support the interpretation of interactions betweeen people and societies, the discovery of patterns, and the explanation of social processes.

The following are some of the main sociological theoretical viewpoints :

1. Functionalism : Functionalism sees society as a complex system with a number of interdependent components that corporate to keep society in a stable state. It places emphasis on the roles played by various social institutions in addressing the demands of society as well as on their contributions and functions. Functionalists research how societal cohesion and stability are influenced by social structures.

2. Conflict Theory : Conflict theory looks at society as a system that is defined by social inequality and resource rivalry. It focuses on how disputes are caused and how social interactions are shaped by the unequal distribution of power,income, and social privileges. Conflict theorists consider struggles and conflicts betweeen various groups while analyzing social change  and social structures.

3. Symbolic Interactionism : Interactionism that stresses symbols,gestures, and social interactions as having subjective meanings and interpretations is known as symbolic interactionism. It investigates the ways in which interaction and communication are used to construct and negotiate meaning. Symbolic interactionists investigate how people create their identities,adopt social roles, and interact with others on a regular basis.

4. Feminist thought : The social, political, and economic disparities between the sexes are the focus of feminist thought. It looks at how social institutions and lives are shaped by gender and how power is unfairly divided based on gender. In order to promote social justice and gender equality, feminist theorists work to analyze and combat gender base oppression.

5. Social constructionism : This theory investigates how social interactions and processes shape and preserve social events and realities. It underlines that social categories,identities,and institutions are socially constructed and upheld and are not fundamentally set or natural,social constructionists investigate how social structures, norms, and meanings influence both private and public experiences.

6. Rational choice Theory : This theory makes the assumption that people weigh costs and benefits rationally before making decisions. It focuses on how people behave in their own best interests and make decisions that maximize their own advantages. By looking at how people make decisions, rational choice theorists can evaluate social behavior, institutions, and social systems.

7. Postmoderism : The big narratives and universal truths of modernity are under attack by postmoderism. It casts doubt on the fact that knowledge and reality are objective while emphasizing the fragmented,varied,and arbitrary nature of social encounters. Postmodernists challenge conventional sociological theories and work to undermine and dismantle preexisting social hieraechies and classifications.

Sociologists frequently combine and integrate many theoretical viewpoints to acquire a comprehensive understanding of diverse  facets of society. These theoretical perspectives offer distinct insights and frameworks for doing so.