Introduction To Sociology

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Introduction To Sociology

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 22 Jun 2023

Introduction to Sociology

Beginning with The study of society, human behavior, and the social forces that influence these things is known as sociology. It aims to comprehend socialinteractions between people, the formation and evolution of societies, and the effects of social institutions on people and communities. Sociology employs a variety of theories and research techniques to examine social phenomena and provide light on social synamics,structures, and patterns. 

Here are some key ideas and concepts that are frequently presented in a sociology introduction:

1. The sociology perspective : Sociology urges people to take a sociological viewpoint, which entails looking at society more broadly than just their own experiences and comprehending the social framework that shapes conduct.

2. This topic examines the process of sociolization and how people pick up values, conventions, and social roles. It looks into how social institutions including as family, school, the media, and others affect how people behave and define themselves.

3. Social Institutions : In society, institutions including the family, the economy, education,  religion, and the government all play important roles. Sociology examines how these institutions operate, are structured, and affect both individuals and groups.

4. Socioeconomic Stratification : Social stratification refers to hierarchies that are based on socioeconomic class, race, gender, and  other characteristics. This topic explores the causes, consequences, and solutions of socioeconomic inequality in.

5. Culture and Society : A society's culture includes its common ideas,values,conventions,and behaviors. Sociology examines how culture shapes social relationships, identify, and behavior.

6. Social control and deviation : Socially unacceptable behavior is referred to as deviation. Sociology examines how deviance is socially constructed, the causes of it, and the social control mechanisms that are employed to maintain conformity.

7. Social change : Sociology places a lot of emphasis on social change because societies are continually changing. This topic explores the causes of social change, its effects, and the contributions of individuals and social movements to its advancement.

8. Globalization : The growing interdependence and interconnection of societies ahs significant ramifications. The social,economic, and cultural impacts of globalization are studied by sociology.

9. Research Techniques : To obtain  information and test theories regarding social phenomena, sociology uses a variety of research techniques, such as surveys, interviews, participant observation, and statistical analysis.

10. Sociologies Theories : There are several theoretical framework in sociology  that can be used to explain social phenomena. These theories include, among others, feminist theory, functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionalism.

These subjects  give a thorough introduction of sociology. It is a crucial to remember that sociology is a dynamic field that is always changing and adapting to fresh social realities and academic discoveries.