Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies

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Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 06 Jul 2023

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies

Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) are vital marketing tactics that assist companies in locating and successfully reaching their target clients. Let's examine each of these tactics in more detail:


Segmentation is the process of splitting a large market into various customer groups that have comparable needs, wants, and preferences. Businesses can increase their chances of success by segmenting the market and focusing their marketing efforts on particular client categories. Demographic (age, gender, income), geographic (location, climate), psychographic (lifestyle, values), and behavioral (use, loyalty) aspects are a few examples of segmentation variables that are frequently used. Better client comprehension, better resource management, and more specialized marketing efforts are the main advantages of segmentation.


The next stage is to choose one or more target categories to concentrate on after the market has been split. Targeting entails assessing the appeal of various segments and choosing the most promising ones to focus resources and marketing efforts on. The idea is to locate market segments that support the company's goals, have room for expansion, and are accessible. Different targeting techniques exist, including undifferentiated marketing (which targets the entire market with a single product), differentiated marketing (which targets different segments with different offerings), and niche marketing (which targets a limited, specialized segment).


Positioning is the practice of giving a product or service a unique and appealing place in the minds of consumers within a selected target market. It entails creating a distinctive value proposition that distinguishes a product or brand from rivals and appeals to the target market. Effective positioning conveys the main advantages and benefits of the good or service while building a strong brand image. Positioning can be based on elements such as product characteristics, cost, quality, usage scenarios, or through connecting the brand with a particular target market.

STP's overarching goal is to help businesses obtain a competitive edge by matching their products and services to the wants and preferences of their target market. Businesses can maximize their marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and stimulate growth by comprehending the market, choosing the appropriate target categories, and presenting the brand successfully.