Market Structures and Pricing

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Market Structures and Pricing

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 16 Jun 2023

Market structures and pricing

The organizational features of a market, such as the quantity of customers and sellers, the degree of rivalry, and the entrance hurdles, are referred to as market structure. the procss of establishing the vvalue and price of goods and services in the market is referred to as pricing, on the other hand. An essential component of economics and company strategy is the connection between price and market structure. To further your understanding ofthe principles.

 check out the following information on price and market structure:

1. Perfect Competition : In a market with perfect competition, there are many customers and sellers, homogenous goods, no entry barriers, and perfect information. This framework frequently causes businesses to behave in price taking ways.

a. Monopoly : When one company ominates the market and exerts substantial control over the supply and pricing of a good or services, there is a monopoly.

b. Oligopoly : An oligopoly is a market structure in which a small number of dominant enterprises control both prices and competition.

c. Monopolistic Competition : In a market system with numerous firms competing, each one sells a few marginally distinct products, providing them some power over pricing.

2. Pricing Techniques :

a. Cost-Based-Pricing : This tactic entails determining pricing in accordance with the cost of production, which takes into account elements like materials, labor, and overhead costs, cost-plus pricing and markup pricing are two different cost-based pricing strategies.

b. Market-Based-Pricing : This pricing strategy concentrates on determining prices-based on the state of the market consumer demand, and the perceived value of the good or service. Analyzing competition, consumer preferences and make dynamics are all part of this strategy.

c. price discrimination happens when a business charges certain clients varying prices depending on variables like geography, age, or willingness to pay. It is frequently employed to optimize  revenues by obtaining various consumer surpluses.

d. Psychological Pricing : This method of pricing capatilizes on consumers emotional reactions to costs. It imcludes techniques like prestige pricing (setting high prices to suggest exclusively or excellence) and charm pricing (putting prices just below a whole number).

3. Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions :-

a. Demand and Supply : pricing decisions  are influenced by the interaction between supply and demand in the market. prices typically increase when supply is constrained and demand is storing and viceversa.

b. Market Competion : Pricing methods are impacted by the level of market competitio. Businesses may need to cut prices in marketolaces that are more competitive to draw in customers.

c. Costs and Profit Margin : When determining prices, a company's costs, such as its production, marketing, and overhead expenditure must be taken into account. Pricing decisions are also influenced by profit margin goals.

d. External Factors : Pricing decisions can be influenced by external factors such governmental rules, taxes,exchange rates, and economic situations.

keep in mind that different markets and industries may have different pricing and market structures . The information above serves as an overview, certain instances may call for extra considerations.