Perspectives of Psychology

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Perspectives of Psychology

Published by: Zaya

Published date: 14 Jun 2021

Perspectives of Psychology Photo

Perspectives of Psychology

There are various approaches to contemporary psychology. One of the approaches is perspective psychology. Perspectives of Psychology refers to the view that involves certain assumptions (i.e., beliefs) about human behaviour: the way they function, which aspects of them are worthy of study and what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study. However, Perspectives of Psychology are as follows:

  • Cognitive perspective
  • Behavioural perspective
  • Psychodynamic perspective
  • Humanistic perspective
  • Evolutionary perspective
  • Socio-cultural perspective
  • Gestalt perspective
  • Biological perspective
S.N Perspectives Focus area Key figures





Focuses on processing organizing, storing, and retrieving information. And it is concerned with higher mental processes like thinking, memory, problem-solving, etc. George Miller(1920), Jerome Bruner(1915), and Urich Neisser(1928)
2. Behavioural Based on observable behaviours without giving importance to mental processes but the emphasis that learning plays a key role in controlling and influencing all behaviours. J.B. Watson(1878-1958) and B.F. Skinner(1950)
3. Psychodynamic Focuses on the belief that the unconscious mind controls behaviour and early childhood experiences influence greatly personal development. Sigmund Freud(1856-1939)
4. Gestalt Contributed to the area of perception emphasizing on innate tendencies of the human mind to structure the physical world. Also, they described the whole as different from the sum of its part. Max Wertheimer, Wolf Gang Kohler, Kurt Kuffka (1920-1930).



Emphasizes the psychological health of human beings through psychotherapy, focusing on the individual’s free will, values, and goodness of people. Carl Rogers(1902-1987) and Abraham Maslow(1908-1970).






Focuses on the physiology involved in all forms of behaviours and mental processes. Also, uses research tools to investigate the functioning of brains and nerve impulses, and focuses on the role of heredity in normal and abnormal behaviour patterns.


Karl S.Lasthey(1890-1958)



Evolutionary Focuses on how natural selection favours traits that promote the continuation of one’s genes. How evolution influences behaviour or structure aids in adaption to the environment? D.M. Buss(1991-2000)



Socio-Cultural Focuses on the influence of how behaviour and thinking vary across diverse cultures. Janet Hyde(1990) and David Matsumoto(1994)