Opening and Closing a File

Opening and Closing a File

Published by: Nuru

Published date: 21 Jun 2021

Opening and Closing a File Photo

Opening and Closing a File

Opening a File

  • Declare file pointer for opening or closing a file as FILE *fp.
  • You can use multiple variables to access different files in a program by declaring as – FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3 ;
  •  Function fopen() is used to open the file for reading or writing operation which requires filename to open as the first argument and file mode as the second argument as – fp=fopen(“myfile.dat”, “filemode”);
  • File name is the name of the file that you need to open for read or write.
  • File mode indicates for what purpose file is to be opened i.e. for read, write.

 Different modes of file open are: 




File Open

The file open function fopen() serves two purposes:

  • It makes the connection between the physical file and the stream.
  • It creates “a program file structure to store the information” C needs to process the file.


filepointer=fopen(“filename”, “mode”);

  • The file mode tells C how the program will use the file.
  • The filename indicates the system name and location for the file.
  • We assign the return value of fopen to our pointer variable:
    spData = fopen(“MYFILE.TXT”, “w”);
    spData = fopen(“A:\\MYFILE.TXT”, “w”);


Closing a File

  • When we finish with a mode, we need to close the file before ending the program or
    beginning another mode with that same file.
  • After closing the file, the connection between file and program is broken. Hence, operations like read, write can't be done.
  • On closing the file, all the buffers associated with it are written to the file.
  • Although all the files are closed automatically when the program terminates, sometimes it may be necessary to close the file using fclose() function.
  • To close a file, we use fclose() and the pointer variable as :
    – Here spData is pointer variable